
Bio-Tech Pharmacal


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  • Vitamin A is essential to a broad range of physiological processes. It is vital to eye health and is particularly important for optimal night and low-light vision.*
  • Vitamin A also affects gene regulation, cell growth, bone metabolism, and skin health.*
  • Supplementation with vitamin A supports immune health by maintaining the integrity of the cells that line the airways and digestive tract.*
  • It may also play a role in triggering immune cells into action.*
  • A-25 is formulated with a dry, water-soluble preparation of vitamin A palmitate. The palmitate form of vitamin A occurs naturally in fish, eggs, and dairy products.

Health Benefits

  • Essential nutrient for eye, bone, and skin health*
  • Promotes optimal night and low-light vision*
  • Supports a healthy immune system*
  • Dry, water-soluble preparation of vitamin A palmitate