A-35 (Allerdex #1)

DNA Labs


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Allerdex 1 (A-35)
by Dynamic Nutritional Associates - DNA Labs
1 Oz. Liquid

A Homeopathic Antigen Formulation For Food Allergies*
Our Price: $14.90
Retail Price: $18.75
You Save: $3.85 each, a 21% Savings! 

Allerdex-1 (A-35) is a homeopathic antigen formula specially formulated to address allergic reactions caused by food.  This formula contains a mixture of homeopathic dilutions to both neutralize the bodys response to, as well as moderate, the symptoms caused by this type of allergen.*

These homeopathic formulas are prepared with the traditional 20% alcohol dilution in a distilled water base.

DNA Laboratories uses simply the finest processes and ingredients to produce a superior product.