AdreCor with Licorice Root

NeuroScience Inc.


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  • L-tyrosine is a precursor to the catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine*1
  • L-histidine is a histamine precursor*2
  • Catecholamines and histamine support wakefulness3
  • Cortisol promotes wakefulness4
  • Glycyrrhizic acid supports cortisol levels*5


  1. Young 1996; Nakijima 1996; Alonso 1982; Agharanya 1981; Goldstein 2010.
  2. Thakkar 2015.
  3. Meyers 2011; Berridge et al. 2012; Wienecke et al. 2012; Thakkar 2015; Goldstein 2010.
  4. Hall et al. 2014; Elder et al. 2016; Shin et al. 2011.
  5. Cooper 2007; Gelderen 2000.