Advanced Cortisol Balance

Life Extension


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Millions of Americans simply accept stress as part of our fast-paced, modern lifestyles. But stress factors can affect cortisol levels, a steroid hormone naturally produced by your body. The special Relora® and Oligonol® ingredient blends in Natural Cortisol Balance support healthy cortisol levels, thereby promoting a healthy response to mood and general fatigue.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Significantly affects cortisol levels
  • Promotes a healthy biological response to stress
  • Supports healthy mood and sense of vigor

Relora® promotes healthy cortisol response to stress

Relora® is a proprietary blend of Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense bark extracts. Studies show that Relora® affects salivary cortisol levels, encouraging a healthy stress response. Relora® also binds to neurochemical receptors which regulate mood and stress levels, and supplementing with Relora® improved mood scores on standardized tests.1

Oligonol® helps inhibit pro-inflammatory compounds

Oligonol® is a unique, time-release blend of lychee fruit and green tea extracts. In a random, placebo-controlled study, Oligonol® helped inhibit pro-inflammatory IL1β and IL6 cytokines which when left unchecked, encourage increased cortisol activity and biological stress response.2

Natural Cortisol Balance is the only nutritional supplement formula to combine these two proprietary extract blends into a single, natural stress-support supplement. So don’t stress — add Natural Cortisol Balance to your nutritional regimen today.


  1. Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013 Aug 7;10(1):37
  2. Nutr Res. Pract. 2010 Jun;4(3):203-207.