Alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin

Integrative Therapeutics


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Alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin - The Protection of Quercetin*

Quercetin is an important flavonoid that provides protection at the cellular level* It has demonstrated several beneficial effects on the body:

  • Scavenges free radicals, promotes DNA integrity, and supports cellular regulation*
  • Has been studied for its support of healthy glutathione levels*
  • Inhibits glucose absorption in the intestines*
  • Supports a healthy immune response*

Exclusive, Bioavailable Quercetin

Alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin—an Integrative TherapeuticsTM exclusive—delivers all the benefits of quercetin with better absorption and improved bioavailability.*

  • Enhances cellular defenses*
  • Supports cardiovascular health*
  • Modulates the body’s immune-response mechanisms*

Alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin has 3 times the bioavailability of isoquercetin and nearly 18 times the bioavailability of quercetin aglycone.