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B-6 250 - Sustained Release provides nutritional support for: Arthritis, Headaches, Bloating, Insomnia, Bursitis, Irritability, Digestive problems, Lethargy and Skin disorders.*

Vitamin B-6 is one of the most essential parts of the B group. It is used in almost every bodily function, including red blood cell formation, immune response, brain function, and nerve development and response. It participates in over 60 enzymatic reactions vital in the metabolism of protein, fatty acids, amino acids and production of HCI. DNA and RNA synthesis is heavily dependent on B-6 availability, as is the production of serotonin. Pyridoxine also helps regulate the sodium or potassium balance of the cell. Pyridoxine HCI is involved in the synthesis of many internal hormones.*

The pyridoxine in B-6/250 Sustained Release is needed for absorption of Vitamin B-12. Linoleic Acid function in the body is improved with this vitamin. It also aids in the breakdown of fats, CHO, and proteins. It must be present for the production of antibodies and red blood cells, as well as for the release of glycogen from the muscles and the liver. Pyridoxine is also used for the conversion of tryptophan into niacin, which creates a sedative effect on the nervous system.*

If administered alone, Pyridoxine can cause imbalance or deficiencies of other B vitamins. General dosage suggested for adults is 2 mg per 100 grams of protein per day. More is needed during pregnancy, cardiac failure, with the use of birth control pills, aging, and radiation treatment.*