
Thorne Research


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Who should be taking a multiple mineral?

Individuals at high risk for mineral deficiencies include the elderly due to deteriorating digestion, children and teenagers because of poor diet, individuals with eating disorders, and anyone suffering from a chronic disease. Taking certain prescription medications can also result in a mineral deficiency. Because the mineral content in fruits and vegetables depends on the soil the crop is grown in, even a healthy individual who maintains a good diet can be at risk for a mineral deficiency because of mineral-depleted soil.

What makes BioMins® special?

In formulating BioMins, the ideal source for each mineral was considered. It was concluded the forms of calcium and magnesium that would optimize both absorption and concentration (how much fits in a capsule) are dicalcium malate and dimagnesium malate (two molecules of each mineral bound to one molecule of malate).

In determining Thornes choices for trace minerals they consider research, absorption, concentration, and tolerability. Albion® – innovator of mineral chelates since 1956 – supplies the majority of the trace minerals in their BioMins formula. They believe Albion’s glycinate chelates – iron, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, and boron – exhibit excellent absorption and tolerability.