Collagen I and III Dietary Supplement

Collagen M.D.


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Collagen Type I & III together account for 90%
of the collagen present in the dermis with up to
60-80% for Collagen Type I and 15-20% for
Collagen Type III. This collection of fibers is
responsible for maintaining the structure and
resistance of tissues and constitutes a dynamic
network which anchors the skin in the deeper
layers, thereby creating a support base for the
skin. In addition to its architectural properties,
collagen also regulates the activity of fibroblasts,
playing a role in their migration, proliferation and
differentiation, and in their adhesion to various
elements of the extracellular matrix.
Collagen Type I & III are the main components
of hair, nails, ligaments, tendons, muscles, gums,
teeth, bones, blood vessels and eyes.