DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) 25mg

Life Extension


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It has been shown that the serum hormone DHEA often declines by 75%–80% from peak levels by age 70, leading to hormonal imbalances that can affect one’s quality of life.1-4 Peak blood levels of DHEA occur at approximately age 25, decreasing progressively thereafter.3 The marked decline in serum DHEA with age is believed to play a role in health problems associated with aging. Thus, scientists have been looking at ways of restoring DHEA to youthful levels to promote optimal health, and are now discovering mechanisms by which DHEA protects against age-related decline.

Since 1981, several thousand studies have been published on DHEA’s various benefits, including immunomodulatory properties as well as positive effects on mood, quality of life, and body composition. It has been proposed that restoring the circulating levels of DHEA to those found in young people may improve well-being and sexual function. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, ten months of DHEA replacement therapy showed a beneficial effect of enhancing the increases in muscle mass and strength with the addition of resistance exercise in elderly individuals.4 The studies of DHEA therapy in women with adrenal insufficiency also suggest beneficial effects on well-being, mood, and sexuality.5 DHEA could be of benefit to the normal aging brain.6-8 Some studies have reported DHEA may improve mood and alleviate melancholy.9 In addition, recent studies have shown that DHEA has the capacity to improve vascular health by a number of complex processes.10-12 One of them is increasing nitric oxide synthesis.10

In a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial, DHEA replacement therapy for one year helped protect hip bone mineral density in older adults and spine bone mineral density in older women.13 DHEA has also been shown to support a healthy circulatory system and joint/bone health.10-12, 14, 15

References available upon request.