Ecomer/Shark Liver Oil-Alkylglycerols

American Nutriceuticals


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Ecomer is a result of over 50 years of scientific research and development work conducted by several
scientists around the world. Ecomer is a unique alkylglycerol product derived from shark liver oil.
When taken at therapeutic levels, alkylglycerols stimulate the immune system, protect against
infections and regulate the production of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and
antibodies to a normal level. In human beings alkylglycerols naturally occur in breast milk, bone
marrow, liver and the spleen. In nature, the highest concentration of alkylglycerols is found in shark
liver oil. Ecomer is also a safe and effective way to eliminate toxic levels of mercury from the body.
It envelopes the mercury throughout the body, brings it through the kidneys without damage and is
excreted in the urine.

-Pure and natural product without chemical additives
-General immune system boosting
-Mercury detoxifier