Energy Watermelon Green SuperFood

Amazing Grass


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Enjoy the cool, crisp taste of watermelon with a blast of natural, plant-based energy.  Watermelon Green SuperFood Energy is a powderful blend of nutritious greens, phytonutrient packed fruits and veggies, digestive enzymes and probiotics with a delicious, cool twist.  Each serving provides a powderful dose of whole food nutrition and 85mg of plant-based caffeine equal to a small cup of coffee.
• Infused with a kick of energy from yerba mate & matcha green tea
• Helps you achieve your recommended 5 To 9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables
• Boost energy levels with natural stimulants
• Contains plant based caffeine
• Contains probiotics and enzymes to aid digestion and absorption
• Contains over 70% organic ingredients
• More organic whole leaf greens per gram than other green superfoods - not from juice
• Featuring Sambazon açai powder
• Featuring Guayaki yerba mate