
Garden of Life


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fücoTHIN is a natural, whole food based supplement made with fucoxanthin combined with pomegranate seed oil, for a patent-pending formula that is naturally thermogenic. Thermogenesis is the process by which the body increases its metabolic rate, requiring utilization of internal stores of energy, such as fat.

Fucoxanthin, contained in fücoTHIN, is a compound that is found in several different types of seaweed. Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid (similar to lutein and lycopene), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free-radical damage. It is the pigment that gives brown seaweed its characteristic color and also participates in photosynthesis (the conversion of light into energy). While all of that makes fucoxanthin interesting, when fucoxanthin was studied in the laboratory, it revealed a quality that makes it unique.

Clinical studies indicate an average of 6 weeks of use before significant thermogenic response is experienced; we suggest you give fϋcoTHIN at least eight full weeks to begin to notice changes and combine with a calorie conscious diet and exercise.