Germanium 150mg

Douglas Labs


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Organic Germanium, provided by Douglas Laboratories®, supplies high quality organic germanium in capsule form .

FUNCTIONS What is organic germanium? Organic germanium is the common name given to bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide – a biologically active compound of the element germanium containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is (GeCH2CH2COOH)2O3. This is the only form of germanium that has been extensively studied for its health benefits. What is Ge-132? Ge-132 is the name given to organic germanium by the Japanese chemist, Dr. K. Asai, who originally identified this form of germanium in 1967. Today, the term Ge-132 is used interchangeably with the name organic germanium to indicate the compound bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide. How safe is germanium? Inorganic forms of germanium, such as germanium dioxide, have been found to be quite toxic at high levels. However, pure, organic germanium has no demonstrated toxicity, even in very high amounts. The real safety issue concerning organic germanium centers around its degree of purity. Improper manufacturing procedures can result in impure organic germanium. High quality organic germanium products have a purity of 99.7% or greater. Which dosage form of germanium is best? Organic germanium is available as a dietary supplement in tablet, capsule and pure powder form. The decision to use one form over another is largely a matter of personal preference, as no scientific evidence exists comparing the absorption characteristics of the various forms

INDICATIONS Organic Germanium may be a useful dietary adjunct for individuals wishing to supplement their diet with this mineral.