Jarro-Dophilus for Women, 10 billion
- Promotes Healthy Vaginal Microflora*
- Promotes Urinary Tract Health*
Jarro-Dophilus® Women contains four clinically documented probiotic lactobacilli vaginal strains, including H2O2 producers isolated from healthy women that promote optimal vaginal microflora*
- Clinically tested for efficacy in helping to maintain protective, native vaginal flora.*
Lactobacillus crispatus LbV 88
Lactobacillus jensenii LbV 116
Lactobacillus gasseri LbV 150N
Lactobacillus rhamnosus LbV 96
- These lactobacilli are the prevalent and dominant species of healthy vaginal microbiota.*
- Promotes urinary tract health.*
- Patented: L. crispatus LbV 88, L. jensenii LbV 116, and L. gasseri LbV 150N produce hydrogen peroxide (H202), which is important for maintaining healthy vaginal flora.*
Lactobacilli For Vaginal Health*
Documented lactobacilli species present in Jarro-Dophilus acidify the vagina by producing H202 and lactic acid, lowering vaginal pH and together promote normal vaginal flora and a healthy microbial environment.*
Diminished lactobacilli, elevated vaginal pH, reduced H202, and antibiotic use can result in recurrent microbial imbalance.*