Magnesium Citrate (135mg)

Thorne Research


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A well-absorbed form of magnesium*

  • magnesium deficiency is common in the American diet
  • magnesium supplementation benefits energy production, heart function, lung function, and metabolism of sugar and other carbs*
  • both magnesium and citrate support kidney function by decreasing calcium oxalate and phosphate in the urine*

A study comparing the bioavailability of magnesium citrate with magnesium oxide (a form found in many poorly-absorbed dietary supplements) found significantly greater absorption of magnesium citrate than magnesium oxide in healthy volunteers.* The same researchers examined solubility and found magnesium citrate to be 55-percent soluble in water; whereas, magnesium oxide is virtually insoluble. The more water-soluble a mineral chelate is, the more absorbable it is in the body.*

Magnesium and citric acid have both been found to decrease the precipitation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate in the urine, thus supporting good kidney health.* The combination of magnesium with citrate in Thornes Magnesium Citrate offers an attractive combination for individuals with a propensity to have calcium oxalate and phosphate particles in their urine – thought to be about 10 percent of the U.S. male population.*

Magnesium is present in all cells of the body and is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes, including energy production.* Magnesium is essential for maintaining normal bone density, normal cardiac rhythmicity, normal pulmonary function, and normal blood glucose regulation.* Other body functions requiring magnesium include nerve conduction, methyl-group transfer, conversion of pyridoxine to pyridoxal 5-phosphate (the active form of vitamin B6), production of energy, and muscle contraction.* Magnesium supplementation appears to be a significant support to maintaining already normal bone density.*