
Douglas Labs


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Mycoceutics capsules, provided by Douglas Laboratories®, contain an array of beta-glucans and other active constituents derived from ten of the most healthful species of mushrooms. Mycoceutics is also fortified with an additional 30 mg of beta-1, 3-glucan derived from purified yeast. Mushrooms used in Mycoceutics are grown under carefully monitored conditions to ensure that they never come in contact with heavy metals, pollutants, and contaminants. These mushrooms are specially cultivated to maximize polysaccharide content. As the mushrooms in Mycoceutics are cultivated and not wild-grown, no sensitive ecological areas are damaged to collect the mushrooms.

FUNCTIONS Mushrooms have been an integral component of folk medicine world wide for many centuries. Scientists are actively investigating the many healthful components of mushrooms, yet, several active constituents have already been identified. Polysaccharides, dietary fiber, lectins, and terpenoids have all been identified as beneficial components of certain mushroom species. Polysaccharides demonstrate potent immunomodulating activity in in vitro, animal, and clinical studies. Beta-glucans are important polysaccharides found in mushrooms that enhance the body’s natural immune activity. Beta-1, 3-glucans, as well as beta-1, 4-glucans and beta-1, 6-glucans activate macrophage function and release of nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Macrophages are one of the two primary phagocytic cells of the immune system. They are able to engulf and destroy foreign antigens. Macrophages also help govern the immune system, helping to initiate and direct specific immune responses. In stimulating macrophage activity, beta-glucans support the immune system by activating natural immune responses, rather than directly affecting foreign cells or entities.

INDICATIONS Mycoceutics may be a useful dietary supplement for those who wish to enhance their immune system function.