Novahue prostate 30sg



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-Promotes prostate health and comfort*
-Maintains healthy zinc levels in prostate tissue*
-Supports hormonal balance as we age*
-Supports healthy prostate cell growth*

NovaHue Prostate blends potent carotenoids, curcumin, zinc, and omega-3s into a natural complex designed to support prostate 
health on three levels: genetic, cellular, and glandular.*

Many foundational studies, including epidemiological studies, have been conducted correlating tomato lycopene with prostate 
health. In addition, NovaHue has conducted studies on the ability of tomato-based carotenoids to support healthy PSA levels (a 
marker indicating prostate health) and studies on the synergistic effects of combining tomato extract with omega-3s, curcumin and 
vitamin E.* Study results indicate that NovaHue Prostates formula is uniquely positioned to support prostate health through 
multiple mechanisms of action.*