Nutra-Vision Plus

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Nutra-Vision Plus provides nutrients for maintaining healthy eyes. There are a number of factors that compromise eye wellness. Containing vitamins, minerals and herbs fundamental to eye health; Nutra-Vision is a powerful eye support.*

Oral alpha-lipoic acid is reported to be well-tolerated in doses of 50 mg to up to 600 mg per day

Vitamins & Minerals

Most eye health formulations on the market contain Lutein and Beta Carotene. Research indicates that Beta Carotene interferes with the absorption of Lutein. Therefore, we have excluded this ingredient from our blend to promote the effectiveness of Lutein*

Nutra-Vision includes vitamin A, which acts like receptors, which initiate the optic nerve impulses to the brain. Scientists believe that a deficiency of vitamin A can cause preventable blindness*

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin is an integral part of the mechanism that regenerates active glutathione in the lens*

Some studies indicate that Copper, Manganese and Zinc also play key roles in reducing cataract formation*

Zinc has been included because two important enzymes found in the retina needed for vision require this mineral*

We rounded out the Nutra-Vision Plus formula with Grape Skin and Grape Seed as they are proanthocyanidins, flavonoids that have been shown to increase capillary strength and may help slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy*

Specialized Formulas

There are a number of factors that compromise eye health. Specifically, risk factors for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) include chronic exposure to sunlight, smoking, and macular pigmentation*

AMD is characterized by a degeneration of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in the central part of the eye called the macular region*

AMD affects over 14 million people in the U.S. and is believed to be responsible for permanent blindness in people over 65 years old*

Efficacy of Lutein for AMD has been documented in several clinical trials*

Approximately four million Americans suffer from some form of vision impairment because of cataracts*

Apart from aging, some of the other contributing factors of degenerative vision include exposure to toxins, ultraviolet light, injury, diabetes and heredity*


Our blend incorporates bilberry since it is high in flavonoids called anthocyanosides, which may protect both the lens and retina from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of cataracts*

Includes Zeaxanthin and Lutein since both antioxidants protect the retina from damage caused by sunlight*

Glutathione, an antioxidant found within the eye has been added to our blend*