Osteo-Mins PM with D

Progressive Labs


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Osteo-Mins PM with D 240c is available by Progressive Labs.

Calcium is essential for human life. Apart from being a major constituent of bones and teeth, calcium is crucial for nerve conduction, muscle contraction, heartbeat, blood coagulation, the production of energy and maintenance of immune function, among other things. Severe calcium deficiency may lead to abnormal heartbeat, dementia, muscle spasms and convulsions. When dietary calcium is insufficient or serum calcium levels drop, the body takes calcium from bones which can leave them weak and prone to fracture.

Vitamin D is required for calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization. It is necessary for growth, and is especially important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth in children. Manganese is essential for protein and fat metabolism, healthy nerves, and healthy immune system and blood sugar regulation. It is used for normal bone growth and reproduction. Glutamic Acid is an amino acid which increases firing of neurons in the nervous system.