Relora Plus

Thorne Research


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A proprietary blend of plant extracts from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense, with a mix of B vitamins

  • Helps reduce stress-related eating habits*
  • Helps balance cortisol and DHEA levels, which can be out of balance from stress and exercise*
  • Supports weight management by minimizing stress eating*
  • Supports a positive mood by helping to reduce occasional anxious feelings*

Relora Plus is a proprietary blend of plant extracts from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense (two well-known botanicals used in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 1, 500 years) along with a mix of B vitamins, including the active forms of vitamins B2, B6, B12, and folate.

Individuals who are occasionally anxious, feel stressed, or eat when stressed can have trouble maintaining their optimal weight. Studies have demonstrated that the active plant extracts in Relora Plus promote lower cortisol levels in the morning (a marker of adrenal stress), increase salivary DHEA, minimize stress-related eating, and support weight management efforts.* Study participants report feeling significantly more relaxed, less anxious, and better in control of their mood and stress-related eating habits.* The B vitamins in Relora Plus are nutritional cofactors in the creation of neurotransmitters and have been shown to support a positive mood.*