Resveratrol with Pterostilbene 100mg

Life Extension


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Findings from published scientific literature indicate that resveratrol may be the most effective compound for maintaining optimal health and promoting longevity.144 Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, a polyphenolic compound which is produced by Vitis vinifera as a response to attack by molds. Because of the widespread use of pesticides in modern wine making, including the practice of copper sulfation, the level of resveratrol in modern wines has plummeted. Red wine contains resveratrol, but the quantity varies depending on where the grapes are grown, the time of harvest and other factors. In fact, usually only one to three mg of resveratrol per liter of red wine is currently found, even in the most robust red wines. After years of relentless research, a standardized resveratrol extract is now available as a dietary supplement.

Research funded by the Life Extension Foundation showed that a combination of low-dose (20 mg) resveratrol plus grapeseed extract mimicked many of the favorable gene expression changes seen in calorie-restricted animals. Other studies, however, indicate that higher doses may be needed to obtain all of resveratrol’s positive benefits including promoting healthy insulin sensitivity, enhanced mitochondrial function, reduced expression of inflammatory factors, and protection against the effects of a high-fat diet.145-159

Life Extension has evaluated published studies on resveratrol to establish the doses humans might need to take to duplicate the remarkable laboratory findings. The results of Life Extension’s analysis yield a wide range of potentially effective doses: from 20 to 250 mg a day and higher. The resveratrol potency you choose may be based on your current state of health and/or your desire to reach the upper limits of a healthy human life span.

Based on studies that higher amounts of resveratrol may be beneficial, Life Extension offers this 100 mg trans-resveratrol product working in concert with trans-pterostilbene.

Pterostilbene, a stilbene compound from the same family as resveratrol, has been shown to work synergistically with resveratrol, to unlock one’s longevity genes … thus conferring even greater anti-aging benefits. In laboratory tests, pterostilbene has shown promise for supporting cardiovascular health, glucose levels that are already within normal range, anti-aging and cognitive function.178-185 It helps improve mitochondrial function and supports healthy metabolic function by activating SIRT1 and mimicking calorie restriction.186, 187 It has also shown potential to ease inflammation and support antioxidant activity.181, 185

References available upon request.