Sleep Optimizer

Jarrow Formulas


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Sleep Optimizer
-Promotes Relaxation* & a Healthy Sleep Cycle*
-Sleep Health  Capsules
PharmaGABA™, hops flower, valerian, melatonin & tryptophan 
-Valerian + Hops Flower = Reduced Sleep Latency*
-Relaxation, latency & biological clock
-Contains Brain Messengers & Precursors

Jarrow Formulas®  Sleep Optimizer®  combines herbs and amino acids that work together to facilitate falling asleep and maintaining a regular sleep cycle.* Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lemon balm and L-tryptophan promote relaxation.* The combination of valerian and hops flower has been studied for its effect on reducing latency (the delay before entry into sleep).* Melatonin is a hormone, secreted by the pineal gland that controls the biological clock and signals the entry into sleep.* Our biological clock can be disturbed by stress, crossing time zones and changing work shifts.