Super DHA Liquid



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Super DHA Liquid is a highly-concentrated, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil providing the necessary ratio of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) over eicosapenaenoic acid (EPA), specifically formulated to ensure maximum support for brain and neural development from pregnancy to adulthood. This complex manufacturing process eliminates environmental pollutants and allows for the absorption of high concentrations of EPA and DHA without gastric distress. In addition, a patented lipid emulsification and micro-encapsulation process is used resulting in faster and greater absorption of long-chain fatty acids. Studies indicate that DHA plays a crucial role in the repair and regeneration of neural tissue, which affects retinal, visual, learning and memory function. Research shows that DHA decreases inflammatory mediators making it effective in all inflammatory conditions such as ear infections and skin disorders. EPA is important for the regulation of blood pressure, blood clotting, and immune and inflammatory responses. Super DHA Liquid is indicated to assist in the development of the neural tube and retina; for the prevention of spina bifida; for all neurovegetative conditions, including Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia; and for cardiovascular disease, eczema, psoriasis, and depression.