Thyroid Px

Restorative Formulations


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Features herbs and nutrients to support thyroid function. This formula is the most potent support we offer for healthy thyroid function. Provides the thyroid with the required nutrition and substrates. Supplies the building blocks for T3/T4 hormone synthesis. Promotes the activation of thyroid hormone.

  • Supports Metabolism
  • Promotes T4-T3 Conversion
  • Stabilizes Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
  • Optimizes Body Temperature
  • High dose Iodine/Iodide

Thyroid Px is a balanced blend of minerals and botanicals designed to support the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland while simultaneously maintaining healthy metabolic function. Thyroid Px optimizes thyroid function, normal body temperature and general metabolic rate.

This formula can help stabilize thyroid peroxidase immunoglobulins which is essential for normal thyroid activity. The powerful antioxidants selenium and zinc, as well as the myrrh guggul gum resin, help neutralize free radicals that affect iodothryonine-5-monodeiodinase enzyme activity, which is involved in the conversion of T4 to the active T3 hormone.

Iris species contain oleoresins in their roots and are historically claimed to move fluid (lymph). Myrrh Gum Resin is a powerful adaptogen which not only augments the thyroid, but also the liver and kidney. Studies suggest that Commiphoras constituents may help to increase iodine metabolism in the thyroid and T4-T3 conversion in peripheral tissues. Given the important role iodine plays in thyroid function, Thyroid Px includes 12 mg of Potassium iodide in 2 capsules.