Vitamin Code Family Multi

Garden of Life


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In developing Vitamin Code Family formula, Garden of Life paid particular attention to the overall health needs of both men and women as well as children ages six and up. By providing select nutrients to support the immune system with added vitamins A, C, selenium and zinc as well as mental and physical energy with vitamin B complex, chromium and iron, Vitamin Code Family Formula provides a convenient solution for all members of the family. Focusing on nutrients to support normal growth and brain development for children with added calcium and vitamin D, the Family Formula also provides added folate and vitamin B12 to support tissue synthesis which occurs rapidly in adolescents. Vitamin Code Family Formula offers specialized nutrients to support these functions and those of adult men and women as well.

Vitamin Code Family Formula is a comprehensive multi-vitamin with RAW Food-Created Nutrients offering an extreme synergistic blend of vitamins and minerals for extraordinary health and vitality. This specialized formula designed especially for all members of the family addresses the nutritional needs to support the following areas:

-Heart Health– Vitamin B Complex, Vitamins C and E
-Mental and Physical Energy– Vitamin B Complex, Chromium, Iron
-Immune Support– Vitamins C, A, Selenium, Zinc
-Optimal Digestion– Live Probiotics and Enzymes, Vitamin D, Zinc
-Eye Health– Vitamins A, C and Zinc
-Joints and Bones– Vitamins C, D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc