Vitamin D3 Balance

Restorative Formulations


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Vitamin D deficiency is widespread among Americans due to poor absorption, poor synthesis, inadequate sun exposure and low dietary intake. Vitamin D is necessary for healthy bone density, good immune function, inflammation balance, and normal cell growth and metabolism to support breast, prostate, and colon health.

High doses of vitamin D3 are recommended to correct deficiencies, yet balance needs to be considered. Vitamins D and A share one of their receptors, so high doses of one nutrient can cause a relative deficiency of the other. Vitamin D3, K2 and A are fat soluble vitamins. Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract, but in high doses and unchecked, it has the potential to absorb calcium excessively, which increases the risk of it being deposited in arteries. Vitamins K2 and A balance high levels of vitamin D by preventing calcium oversaturation and reducing the risk of misguided arterial calcium deposits.

The synergistic combination of vitamin D3, K2 and A effectively works to enhance calcium absorption, balance serum calcium levels, direct calcium to bones and prevent unwanted deposits into vessels.