Saw Palmetto Complex



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Over the last decade, double-blind clinical trials have proven that 320 mg per day of the liposterolic extract of saw palmetto berries is a safe and eective treatment for promoting healthy prostate function. Clinical effectiveness of saw palmetto has been shown in trials lasting six months to three years. A three-year trial found that taking 160 mg of saw palmetto extract twice daily reduced nighttime urination in 73% of patients and improved urinary flow rates significantly. In a double-blind trial, 160 mg of saw palmetto extract taken twice daily was found to be as effective as finasteride (Proscar) without side effects, such as loss of libido.

Pumpkin seed oil has been used in combination with saw palmetto in two double-blind trials to effectively support healthy prostate function. Animal studies have shown that pumpkin seed extracts can improve the function of the bladder and urethra.

Essential to an effective BPH plan is adequate zinc intake and absorption. Zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce the size of the prostate and to reduce symptoms. The clinical efficacy of zinc may be due to its critical involvement in androgen metabolism.

Uva-Ursi’s most active ingredient is arbutin. Uva-ursi possesses antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and astringent properties.