
Vetri-Science Laboratories


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-A formula designed to support proper functioning of gut, bowel, and urinary tract health in dogs and cats.
-Acetylator is a combination of N-Acetyl Glucosamine, digestive enzymes, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and alfalfa to help support the protective layers of the bowel. It also helps maintain genito-urinary tract health.

Vetri Science Laboratories Acetylator is a capsule formula designed to support gut, bowel and urinary tract function and health. A combination of N-acetyl glucosamine, beneficial bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus, digestive enzymes, and alfafa, Acetylator helps to maintain genito-urinary tract health. Proteolytic enzymes like pepsin, papain and bromelain support digestion, nutrient absorption and utilization. N-acetyl glucosamine is naturally found in the glycoprotein layer of the mucous membrane. Through support of glycoprotein production, N-acetyl glucosamine supports the structural integrity and healthy function, meaning it supports the body’s natural protective barriers against invading microorganisms.