Amino L-Lysine 450mg



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Amino L-Lysine 450mg available by Seroyal/Genestra.

Amino L-Lysine combines a high concentration of this essential amino acid along with other non-essential amino acids needed in the produciton of antibodies, hormones and enzymes, necessary for tissue repair. Deficiencies in lysine can result in anemia, enzyme disorders, hair loss, lack of energy and weight loss. Lysine promotes the formation of collagen, the fibrous protein found in bone, cartilage and other connective tissues necessary for proper bone growth. Amino L-Lysine is indicated for conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, sport injuries, and for viral infections such as herpes simplex and zoster, hepatitis, colds and flus. The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegans.

Amino Acid Supplement
Genestra Brands™


The capsules are made from 100% pure vegetable sources, free of preservatives and additives. Ideal for vegans.