B-6 Folic Acid

Bio-Tech Pharmacal


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  • B6-Folic Acid is formulated with a combination of B vitamins that are important for maintaining healthy homocysteine levels.*
  • Homocysteine is a byproduct of protein metabolism that can damage connective tissues and contribute to oxidative stress. High-protein diets, poor nutrition, and genetics factors can result in elevated homocysteine levels. However, supplementation with vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12 can balance homocysteine metabolism.*
  • B6-Folic Acid is formulated with the active forms of these nutrients, providing support for cardiovascular, bone, and nervous system health.*

Health Benefits

  • Maintains healthy homocysteine levels*
  • Supports cardiovascular, bone, and nervous system health*
  • Formulated with active forms of vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12*