Bio-Dophilus (enteric)
Bio-Dophilus, provided by Douglas Laboratories, is a highly concentrated combination of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei subsp. Rhamnosus, which provides a minimum of 10 billion viable microorganisms per gram. Each 280 mg capsule contains 2.8 billion viable microorganisms. Unlike many other probiotic dietary supplements provided in powder form or gelatin capsules, Bio-Dophilus is enteric coated with inert cellulose. This prevents dissolution in the stomach, protects the microorganisms from the damaging effects of stomach acid, and ensures effective release in the intestine where the probiotics are able to survive and colonize. Bio-Dophilus is free of preservatives and common allergens, including dairy, wheat, and soya. The probiotic cultures are grown on a neutral maltodextrin base. The microorganisms are harvested and freeze-dried when they are at their maximum concentration. Each batch is assayed to guarantee consistent high potency, and low moisture content provides for long shelf life even at room temperatures.
FUNCTIONS Oral supplements of live, beneficial intestinal micro-organisms for nutritional health and well-being are known as probiotics. Probiotic dietary lactobacilli colonize the intestinal tract, depending on the specific bacterium-tohost affinity. Bacteria are continually in competition for colonization space. The original bacterial colonies have an advantage over transient bacteria; however, the composition of the intestinal microflora is dynamic and constantly changing. If harmful microorganisms proliferate, as in the case of diarrheal or fungal infections (e.g., Candida albicans), the equilibrium is disturbed, and it becomes difficult even for indigenous bacteria to maintain their necessary territory to colonize the intestine. Antibiotics tend to kill off both beneficialand harmful bacteria, thus may also disturb the normal, healthy balance of intestinal microorganisms. When potent, enteric-coated probiotic supplements, such as Bio-Dophilus, are supplied regularly, chances are greatly increased for establishing a healthy population of beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Once established, a normal intestinal microflora rich in lactobacilli creates acidic conditions that are unfavorable for the settlement of pathogenic microorganisms.
INDICATIONS Bio-Dophilus may be a useful dietary supplement for those who wish to support the intestinal microflora with meaningful amounts of beneficial microorganisms.