Chaga (Inonotus obliquus)

Host Defense


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Embraced by Eurasians for centuries and found throughout boreal forests, Chaga grows primarily on birch trees. Studied and treasured worldwide for its health-enhancing and antioxidant properties, * Chaga is a unique species, and the focus of recent and ongoing scientific research.

Host Defense Chaga uses activated, freeze-dried, Certified Organic mycelium, with a full spectrum of constituents: polysaccharides (beta glucans, arabinoxylane, glucose, xylose, galactose and mannose), glycoproteins, ergosterols, triterpenoids and other myco-nutrients, which are essential for Supporting Natural Immunity.*

-Maximum antioxidant support against daily free radical damage*
-Host Defense’s advanced culturing techniques of the mycelium preserve a wide array of full-spectrum constituents
-Host Defense’s use of Chaga mycelium, as opposed to the indigestible sclerotia, allows for nutrients to be provided in a fully bio-available form
-Sustainably grown without adversely affecting the native mycoflora