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  • Improves cognitive function and reduces age-related mild memory decline.*INM-176 was shown to support cognitive agility in 80 volunteers with mild memory problems associated with aging.* 
  • May prevent oxidation of brain cells.*The active constituents of INM-176 have antioxidant properties that may protect aging brain cells from oxidation (free-radical damage).*

It’s happened again. You can’t remember the date of an appointment, or you’ve forgotten the name of a new acquaintance, just moments after you’ve been introduced. And those aren’t the only troubling signs. Sometimes you struggle to find a simple word, or you spend five minutes looking for your glasses, only to find them on top of your head. Sound familiar? These mild memory problems are an all-too-common part of aging — but that doesn’t mean you have to live with them!

Unfortunately, the older you get, the more forgetful you may become. That’s because starting in your 20s, you begin to lose brain cells, a few at a time. To make matters worse, as you age, you make fewer of the chemicals your brain needs to function properly — including the signaling brain chemical acetylcholine, which helps support memory and cognition. In addition, oxidation (damage from free radicals) also takes its toll on the aging brain.

Derived from a unique, specially cultivated subspecies of angelica, the lead ingredient in Cognisol™ (INM®-176) has been clinically documented to protect the brain during aging.*