Glycation Manager

Integrative Therapeutics


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Glycation Manager is designed to slow the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and protein glycation associated with normal metabolism and aging.*

AGEs associated with normal metabolism and aging.*

Glycation is a biochemical process that involves reactions between simple sugars and proteins or lipids. The reactions result in the formation of substances known as advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. Glycation is a normal part of the aging process and dietary and lifestyle choices are of particular importance in influencing the speed at which glycation reactions occur.

Glycation Manager is an exclusive combination designed to slow the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and protein glycation associated with normal metabolism and aging.* It also contains Theracurmin®, novel preparation of turmeric that enhances bioavailability and dramatically increases curcumin levels in the blood.* By helping promote optimal blood lipid, glucose, and protein metabolism, the ingredients in Glycation Manager support healthy metabolic function, circulatory health, and tissue function.*