GPC (GlyceroPhosphoCholine)

American Biologics


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GPC or GlyceroPhosphoCholine is an orthomolecular nutrient important for cell-level
homeostasis, tissue growth and renewal, organ vitality, and mind-body integration.
GPC is said to provide unique osmo-protection against toxic buildup inside cells.
Research suggests that GPC supports metabolic efficiency: enzymes combine GPC
specifically with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA to create phospholipids essential to cell
membranes. GPC is also a highly bioavailable source for both the essential nutrient
choline and the ubiquitous chemical transmitter acetylcholine. Double-blind
clinical research suggests that GPC boosts attention in healthy youth and
counters cognitive decline in middle age. In old age GPC helps revitalize growth
hormone, and enables brain-body integration. GPC may also support male fertility
and is an important functional constituent of human breast milk.