Homeofresh Gum Chlorophyll



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Homeofresh Chewing Gum – Chlorophyll Flavor provides added protection for teeth and gums, when used in combination with Homeofresh Toothpaste. Studies have shown that dental caries, demineralization of tooth enamel and dental plaque are closely linked with a particular microbial flora in the mouth. The common diet, especially rich in refined fermentable sugars, establishes an environ-ment for poor dental health. Homeofresh Chewing Gum is free of these cariogenic sugars and prevents the acidi-fying effect of bacteria on tooth enamel when used after meals. Xylitol, an inhibitor of the cavity-causing bacteria streptococcus mutans, is a natural sweetener derived from birch tree bark. Xylitol halts tooth decay, inhibits the for-mation of dental plaque and remineralizes tooth enamel. Homeofresh Chewing Gum is indicated for dental hygiene, bleeding and receding gums, and for the prevention of dental caries, plaque buildup and periodontal disease; and can be used as a substitute when brushing is not possible.