Mag 200
It is difficult to overstate the importance of magnesium for health.* Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and the second most abundant in muscles and other organs. Only potassium levels are higher than magnesium in soft tissues (non-bone tissues). Potassium cannot be retained in soft tissues and leaks out if magnesium is deficient.*
Adequate amount of magnesium is also required for the absorption and utilization of calcium, favoring the deposition of calcium in bone where it belongs and preventing deposition of calcium in the soft tissues and kidneys where it does not belong.*
Magnesium is required in adequate amount for the normal activity of 300 enzymes, including those involved in the transfer of energy from foods to physical and mental activities.* It is a very important stabilizer of polynucleic acids, substances where genetic information is stored.* The Mag-200™ daily nutritional program is a magnesium-emphasized dietary program which consists of avoiding foods that block the absorption, interfere with the utilization of, and increase the loss of magnesium; and magnesium supplementation.
- Limit consumption of refined sugar, salt, red meat, dairy products, alcohol, coffee, tea, and chocolate.
- Limit intake of fats, especially replace saturated fats with cold pressed unprocessed vegetable oils.
- Increase intake of fish, poultry, whole grains, legumes, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.
- Decrease or eliminate use of tobacco.