Metabolic Nutrition - Lemon Lime

Restorative Formulations


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A high-quality daily multivitamin in a pleasant tasting lemon lime-flavored powder. This unparalleled formulation supplies therapeutic levels of highly bioavailable vitamins and minerals. Use to promote optimal metabolism, oxidative protection and endocrine function support.
- Promotes Optimal Cell Function
- High-Level Multi-Vitamin/Mineral
- High dose D3 at 4000 IU
- Folic acid with Methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-MTFH) at 1000 mcg
- B12 Methylcobalamin at 1000 mcg
- D-Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta Tocopherols 400 IU

Metabolic Nutrition is a high dosage vitamin, mineral and trace element supplement designed to support cell function, promote 
detoxification, and provide nutritional cofactors for optimum health. All ingredients are water soluble and highly bio-available. 
Nutrients such as Vitamin D3, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12, in the bio-active form methylcobalamin, were specifically selected 
because of high rates of deficiency due to modern lifestyle habits. The folic acid portion includes the active form 5-MTFH. It 
provides 400 IU of full spectrum tocopherols. The powerful antioxidant Polyphenol Quercetin is also included to help stabilize 
normal mast cell function. Metabolic Nutrition uses natural lemon and lime flavorings and can be taken with water. This formula is 
made to be a simple and affordable method of administering high levels of vitamins and trace minerals in a single serving.