
Thorne Research


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Active, tissue-ready form of vitamin B12*

  • an active form of vitamin B12 more readily used by the body*
  • supports heart health and nerve function*
  • helps maintain normal circadian rhythms to improve sleep*
  • supports healthy methylation processes in the body*

Methylcobalamin (an active form of vitamin B12) is essential for recycling homocysteine and the formation of methyl donors involved in cardiovascular function, sleep, blood cell formation, and nerve function.* Most vitamin B12 supplements contain cyanocobalamin; however, the liver must first "detoxify" the cyanide molecule and attach a methyl group to form methylcobalamin from the cyanocobalamin. Methylcobalamin is already in the biologically active, tissue-ready form.* Evidence indicates the body utilizes methylcobalamin more efficiently than it does cyanocobalamin.* Research shows the quantity of cobalamin detected following a small oral dose of methylcobalamin is similar to the amount following administration of cyanocobalamin; but significantly more cobalamin accumulates in liver tissue following administration of methylcobalamin. Human urinary excretion of methylcobalamin is about one-third that of a similar dose of cyanocobalamin, indicating substantially greater tissue retention.*