Mycommunity Extract

Host Defense


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MyCommunity® is the 17-Species Multi Mushroom Complex originally created by Paul Stamets—a comprehensive Host Defense® formula for Supporting Natural Immunity.*

Host Defense® MyCommunity® uses activated, freeze-dried, Certified Organic mushroom mycelium and fruitbodies, with a full spectrum of constituents: >55% (550mg/serving) polysaccharides, .5% (5mg/serving) fatty acids, and an array of extracellular constituents, including enzymes, antioxidants and prebiotics for the microbiome, essential for Supporting Natural Immunity.*

  • A blend of 17 potent mushroom species
  • The most comprehensive immune support formula in the Host Defense line*
  • Encourages resistance to cellular assaults*
  • Unique combination of mushroom mycelium and fruitbodies, providing a diverse range of constituents to help balance the immune system*