Mykind Organics Plant Calcium

Garden of Life


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Bone Loss and You

The Surgeon General predicted over a decade ago that bone disease and fractures “will have a tremendous negative impact on the future wellbeing of Americans.” As we age, the renewal of bone structure slows, causing bones to lose density and become more porous and brittle, resulting in unexpected fractures.

When talking about bone loss, the increased risk of osteoporosis should be of major concern. Some of the statistics should bring this home:

-Osteoporosis leads to 1.5 million fractures per year - mostly hip, spine and wrist. (National Institutes of Health)

-Osteoporosis afflicts 52 million Americans. (National Osteoporosis Foundation)

-One in two women past the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. (National Osteoporosis Foundation)

-By the year 2020, half of all Americans over age 50 are expected to have low bone density or osteoporosis. (National Osteoporosis Foundation)

Over the years, clinical studies have underscored the importance of calcium and bone health, including a New England Journal of Medicine study showing that taking calcium and vitamin D supplements tends to improve bone density and maintain strong bones and teeth.

What Can You Do?

There are several things you can do to fight bone loss:

Eat more calcium-rich foods. It sounds simple, but the truth is we should be eating more dark green veggies, nuts, beans and seeds to increase our calcium intake. This goes for people of all ages - not just those who are over the age of 50.
Exercise more. Exercise and physical activity are an important part of building and maintaining strong, healthy bones. A good all-around program incorporates weight-bearing strength training exercises at least three times per week - more often if possible.
Supplement your diet with a quality food based calcium formula. Did you know that many of the leading calcium brands are made from ground-up, pulverized limestone? Don’t eat crushed rocks to add calcium to your diet. You want real, nutritious food-based calcium - that’s why we created mykind Organics Organic Plant Calcium.