Theanine 100mg

Jarrow Formulas


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-Promotes Relaxation*
-Supports Learning Ability*
-L-Theanine Capsules
-An amino acid derivative
-Enzymatically Produced SunTheanine®
-A Unique Relaxant Prominent in Tea
-Supports Alpha-Wave Generation*
-Tranquil relaxation w/o drowsiness

Theanine is a unique amino acid found almost exclusively in green tea that exerts beneficial effects on brain metabolism.* Theanine induces relaxation without causing drowsiness, as measured by increased generation of alpha-waves.* Theanine may improve learning ability and sensations of pleasure by affecting dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain.* Also, theanine exerts protective effects on the brain by mitigating glutamate toxicity.*

Jarrow Formulas®  Theanine is made enzymatically from amino acids and is identical to the theanine found in green tea.