
Thorne Research


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300 mg of alpha-lipoic acid – an important antioxidant in both fat- and water-soluble tissues

  • has important nerve protective effects*
  • supports liver detoxification*
  • helps maintain mental sharpness*

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) has its own antioxidant activity and also helps recycle other antioxidants, including glutathione – an essential antioxidant for liver detoxification.* Alpha-lipoic acid has historically provided benefit after toxic insults to the liver.* Alpha-lipoic acid is also a cofactor nutrient for mitochondrial function, thus supporting energy production in the cells.*

Studies indicate higher amounts (600-1, 800 mg) of alpha-lipoic acid may be most effective for neurological support.* Thiocid-300 provides 300 mg alpha-lipoic acid per capsule in situations where these higher amounts are desired.