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Support for a healthy urinary tract*

  • soothes irritated tissues in the bladder and other portions of the urinary tract*
  • helps maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms*
  • prevents attachment of unwanted bacteria to the walls of the bladder and urethra*
  • contains botanicals with a particular affinity for the urinary tract
  • unique formulation offered only by Thorne Research

Maintaining good urinary tract health is important for women and men. This can be especially challenging as men age and for women after menopause. Although normal, healthy mucus membranes in the vagina and urinary tract help in this regard, in postmenopausal women the mucus membranes in the vaginal and urinary tracts can become thin and dry, making it more difficult to maintain good urinary tract health.

In addition to drinking plenty of water and unsweetened cranberry juice, certain herbs can also promote a healthy urinary tract.* Uristatin consists of several herbs designed to maintain normal urinary tract flora.* A study on the effect of uva ursi in women found at the end of one year that 22 of 27 in the placebo group and 30 of 30 women who took uva ursi had maintained a healthy urinary tract.* Echinacea and berberine are added to Uristatin for additional beneficial effects, and Buchu has a particular affinity for the urinary tract where it can help soothe inflamed tissues.*

A good strategy for maintaining good urinary tract health is to drink plenty of pure water every day. Unsweetened cranberry juice or a cranberry extract in capsule form can also be taken as needed to acidify the urine. When supplementing with Uristatin, however, cranberry juice or extract should be discontinued because uva ursi works best in alkaline urine.

Uristatin can be taken at a dose of 1-2 capsules for daily maintenance of urinary tract health and 2-4 capsules three times daily when a woman believes additional supplementation is indicated.*