Vital-Dophilus Plus

Klaire Labs


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Vital-Dophilus Plus
-L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus.

A “staple” of the Klaire probiotic family for many years, this hypoallergenic
combination of two Lactobacillus strains, is a reliable way to maintain a good
foundation of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. The two well-
recognized strains in this formulation—L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus—have
been shown to inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic organisms, support immune
function, enhance calcium metabolism, and increase protection from infection
through production of the natural antibiotic-like compounds lactocidin and
acidophilin. This formulation is available in both a high-potency powder and a
maintenance-dose capsule. Can be safely used by adults, as well as children
over the age of 2.