German Chamomile



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Promotes Healthy Gastrointestinal Structure and Function*
Promotes Relaxation and the Relief of Occasional Sleeplessness*
Provides Relief for Sour / Upset Stomach*
Provides Relief for Occasional Heartburn*
Provides Relief for Occasional Acid Indigestion*
Alleviates the Symptoms Referred to as Gas*


Chamomile is an official drug in the pharmacopoeias of twenty-six countries, and its uses today differ little from those of ancient times. Chamomile is used extensively as an antispasmodic, calmative, digestive aid and carminative. It has been used for centuries to provide healthier gastrointestinal structure and function. Over the past 30 years, extensive scientific investigations have confirmed its traditional and current uses. Chamomile is official in the German Pharmacopoeia and is an approved herb in the Commission E monographs. It is used as a monopreparation and as an active component of more than 90 licensed prepared medicines. 

Contraindications: None known 
Side Effects: None known