Herbal Bulk



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Herbal Bulk provides psyllium husks along with other natural water-soluble fibers and synergistic nutrients required for proper elimination of putrefactive materials from the colon and the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory bowel diseases are due to a number of factors, including stress, genetic predisposition, bacterial, parasitic and viral infections, a diet high in refined sugar and allergenic foods, such as corn and peanuts, and low-fiber diets. Poor colon health can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis and chronic fatigue. Herbal Bulk is indicated for conditions associated with gastrointestinal disorders, such as bloating, flatulence, indigestion, constipation and diarrhea; for assisting with the digestion of proteins and the lubrication of the colon to improve peristaltic action; and for the regulation of cholesterol levels, and the removal of heavy metals and inorganic toxins. Product ideal for vegans.