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Lipotrol is a unique professional formula containing naturally occurring dietary fibers including guar gum, as well as lecithin and other nutrients important in healthy fat and cholesterol metabolism.

FUNCTIONS Certain dietary fibers play important roles in the body’s metabolism of cholesterol and bile acids. Although not an essential nutrient, dietary fiber is a food component which the human alimentary tract has become accustomed to during evolution. Adequate fiber intake is necessary to maintain not only gastrointestinal health but also certain aspects of normal lipid metabolism. The body has learned to depend on the natural ability of dietary fiber to bind bile acids and cholesterol, thus preventing their intestinal absorption or reabsorption. Lipotrol contains guar gum, a type of water-soluble dietary fiber that can be especially useful in regulating healthy cholesterol metabolism. Each of the ingredients in Lipotrol is specifically selected and quality tested to provide a unique, synergistically active formula:

• Guar gum works to bind bile acids and cholesterol

• Lecithin(soya) plays a key role in the emulsification and mobilization of fats and cholesterol

• Niacin and inositol hexanicinate support the proper metabolism of fat and cholesterol

• Phytosterols can help reduce serum total and low density lipid cholesterol levels

• Bioflavonoids, including rutin, provide support for a healthy circulatory system and are potent antioxidants

INDICATIONS Lipotrol is a useful dietary supplement for individuals who wish to increase their dietary fiber and lecithin intake. For best results, Lipotrol should be used in conjunction with an appropriate diet and exercise program