Digestive Care Tea (Kolorex)

Nature's Sources/Kolorex


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Our health and vitality depends largely on how well our digestive system functions. Common problems like indigestion, flatulence, colic, constipation and food allergies are often an indication that our digestive tract is not breaking down, assimilating and eliminating like it should.

The complex digestive flora (microbes) in our gut need all the help they can get in this age of convenience food and demanding lifestyles. We should of course avoid chemical additives and highly processed food whenever we can and enjoy the raw and whole foods that our digestive system has evolved to process.

In many Europe there is a long-standing tradition of drinking herbal teas after meals to improve digestive function. Forest Herbs Research has gone one further by adding New Zealand’s flora-friendly Horopito leaf to the traditional digestive herbs of Peppermint and Aniseed. This has created a truly unique herbal tea to calm the mucous membranes of the gastro-intestinal tract and enhance the digestive process.